A, who have all the gud things... rarely hal kecik dlm hidup jadi big deal since A has lots of money, lots of love, well-connected family..
end up A is the ppl with full of confidence but lack of consciousness+awareness+ygsekutudengannya... all A needs is 'kesedaran'...
end up A is the ppl with full of confidence but lack of consciousness+awareness+ygsekutudengannya... all A needs is 'kesedaran'...
B, not having most of all the gud things.. even though the little things matter the most... since A is not living in a wealthy, perfectly well-being environment but with a bit chaotic...
end up B may have lots of 'kesedaran' tentang hidup.. but lack of confidence throughout the life.. all B needs is a 'confidence'....
end up B may have lots of 'kesedaran' tentang hidup.. but lack of confidence throughout the life.. all B needs is a 'confidence'....
seeeee..saw... hidup xde la teruk sgt... its fair....
hmm standard mmg camni la..
tp saye ade kwn, seriously dier kaye giler!! tp dier humble sgt.. klu x knl dier, x tau pon dier tu kaya raye
and ade gak org tak seberape yg berlagak kaye.. makanan murah xnak mkn.. ceyt
BP Boy --> mmg adeee..penah jumpe jugak.. sgt humble xnampak mcm org kaya-kayan...yg tu kelompok yg tak m'annoyingkan.. yg disebaliknye pun ade.. macam-macam ade
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